These words spoke of and to my heart. You articulated so beautifully my unspoken thoughts and feeling, and the hope in this was palpable. I have saved this note to my “read often” notes and I will. Bless you, Michael, for sharing.

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Thank you, RuthAnn!

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Taking these words of wisdom into the new year (copied and pasted into my daily reminders note). Thank you, Mike!

"Most of all, I encourage you to train your eyes this year to always be looking for Beauty, for Joy, for Wonder, and for Love. It is a true saying that we humans inevitably become like whatever we fix our gaze upon. As in previous years, many in the year ahead will fix their eyes on fear or outrage or hate for whoever the enemy of the moment happens to be. But those of us who know the truth — that darkness can never drive out darkness, that only light can do that — we must choose a different path.

We must fix our eyes on the light.

So, my friend, follow the path that brings you joy. Seek out all that is beautiful in the world, and when you find it, lift it up for all to see. Let it draw you in to that blissful state of childlike wonder that always leads to gratitude. Practice love with all people in all situations at all times. Choose love as an act of defiance against the madness, and an inoculant against bitterness in your own heart. Offer love as medicine to the souls around you sick with fear.

But, in all of this, do not take the burden up. It is not your job to repair the world. You are only responsible for the light of the single, precious soul that you’ve been given.

Carry that well, with love and joy and lightness and laughter, and that will be quite enough.

Besides, who knows? You may, without ever realizing it, lighten the burden for more than a few other hearts along the way."

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Thank you Ken!

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Beautiful summation of the attitude necessary to weather times such as these. We're exhausted but find it is more important than ever that we go on trekking in this wilderness until we have reached our goal. The goal, though, isn't the only thing that matters. It is equally important that we maintain our focus on the higher meaning of the situation and on not losing with touch with what really matters. The only thing that can sustain such an effort is our faith in a higher power and maintaining our connection with the beautiful, the good, and the true. As always, you have zeroed in on the heart of the matter and provided a beacon of light and hope for the rest of us. Thanks for a beautiful start to a new year!

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Thank you, Bonnie !

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