“…and something ignited
in my soul
and I went my own way,
that burning fire
and I wrote the first bare line,
bare, without substance, pure
pure wisdom
of one who knows nothing
and suddenly I saw
the heavens
and open…”— Pablo Neruda (from “La Poesia”)
It’s hard to be free.
The brilliance is nearly too much to bear.
It’s so much easier to tie your soul down
with the banal machinations of an unremarkable life,
to carry burdens never meant for you,
adopt worries that make you feel important but
keep your life small,
than it is to simply be free,
and to know it.
What are the illusions you have chained to your soul
to hide you from the terror of living free?
For freedom is a terror, the very heart of possibility, and
the inescapable responsibility
of cutting your own path,
making your own mistakes,
writing your own story
through the profound expanse
of the Great Silence
we call God.
Not many, very few,
ever summon the courage to do it.
But you can, if you wish.
You can.
I'll tell you a secret:
power and status,
comfort and sex—
these are all merely games we play
to distract ourselves
from the wonder of what we really are,
and the mystery of what is really
going on here.